Scott Gerard

Chief AI Officer
Knowledge Reactor
Linked In Profile

Have worked on an amazing and fun array of topics over the years. Deep expertise in data science, AI, ML and big graphs applied to multiple domains: IoT, Eldercare, Watson Health and Watson Financial Services (NLP). Consultant to national and international clients. All had deep technical elements and most involved business elements working with senior executives. Recognized dynamic speaker with clients at conferences and classes.

Member of IBM's Academy of Technology (800 of IBM's top technical talent) and an IBM Master Inventor with 47 issued patents.

Recently earned PhD in computer science, with research focused on the AI of multi-agent systems and a formal logic of "commitments". This kind of research has tremendous potential in our increasingly interconnected world.

Author of multiple published books and refereed academic papers.

Prolific programmer. Current favorite technologies are Java, Python, Jupyter, Spark, TensorFlow, Groovy, Gremlin, Gradle and TDA (topological data analysis).